Profile PicturePam Grossman

Prismatic Magic Workshop

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Prismatic Magic Workshop

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Rainbows have many positive associations from hope to pride, and they have also been considered carriers of potent magic across the globe. Though considered a “minor” deity to the ancient Greeks, Iris, the goddess of rainbows, was important enough to be given a place on the Parthenon. The Norse Bifröst, or rainbow bridge, is said to connect the realms of the gods and humans. And mythic beings from Oshunmare of the Yoruba people to the Aboriginal Rainbow Serpent are believed to be great sources of creativity. On the same token, working with the full spectrum of color magic can help us to become more fully integrated, and to harmonize the gradient energies within ourselves and the world around us.

In this visually-rich online workshop, Pam Grossman will cover various forms of rainbow magic, and introduce us to the sacred art of iridescent witchcraft. She will share several practices of manifestation, healing, and divination which utilize chromatic symbol systems, and show how these sacred arcs can help us revitalize and bend towards beauty. Students will come away with everything they need to begin or deepen their own relationship to a rainbow deity, incorporate the power of self-generated or spontaneous color spectrums, and infuse their lives more fully with the occult gifts of color.

This workshop is open to all, from the curious newbie to the esoteric devotee. Students of all genders, sexual orientations, and lived experiences are welcome! HOWEVER, PLEASE NOTE: This class is intended for adults, and so adult language and imagery will be used!

Please bring the following to class:

- Some incense or burnable herbs of your choosing and/or a small bowl of salt water

- A candle of any color you wish, and something to light it with

- A rainbow-colored item (or favorite rainbow-colored picture)

- An object or picture of your very favorite color

- A gemstone of whatever color you feel called to bring to class

- A prism if you can get one (or a picture of a prism if you can’t)

- The 10 of Cups Tarot card (or an equivalent rainbow card in another deck)

- Paper and something to write with

Please note, this class has suggested sliding scale pricing $40-$90 though you are welcome to pay more if you are able. If you are unsure of how much to pay, please see this handy graphic as a guide.

Please also note: this class was recorded live over Zoom with workshop participants. 99% of the class is Pam speaking, giving a visual presentation, and leading a few magical exercises, but there is a tiny bit of participation from student volunteers, including a brief Q&A at the end.

(Image: John Atkinson Grimshaw “Iris” 1886 [cropped])

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This is a video recording of Pam's Prismatic Magic workshop

429 MB
143 minutes
1332 x 720 px
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