Profile PicturePam Grossman

Samhain Spirit Workshop

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Samhain Spirit Workshop

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Communing with our beloved dead is possible at any moment, though autumn is when many believe the veil between worlds is thinnest, and contact with the otherworld most clear. Samhain, All Hallows Eve, Día de los Muertos, and Fet Gede are but a few of the holy-days celebrated at this time, and they provide moments of contemplation and connection with those we have lost.

In this visually-rich online workshop, Pam Grossman covers death rites around the world, various magical methods of honoring one's ancestors (including biological, chosen, or spiritual), and the key components for creating a practice of spirit veneration. Though this class will focus primarily on Samhain traditions, these gestures may be utilized any time throughout the year, whenever one feels called to give thanks, ask for guidance, or simply say hello to those who have crossed over. Pam also walks viewers through a Samhain ritual, step-by-step.

Students will come away with everything they need to begin deepening their ancestral connections safely and lovingly - even if they have a complicated relationship with said spirits, or know very little about them. Our familiar spirits can support us, as we can support them!

This workshop is open to all faiths and experience levels.

Please bring the following to class:

- Some incense or burnable herbs of your choosing and/or a small bowl of salt water

- A candle and something to light it with

- Any items honoring your beloved dead (e.g. photographs, jewelry or items that belonged to them, letters from them)

- Favorite food(s) / drink(s) of your beloved dead, plated and/or in a bottle/cup

- The most beautiful flowers you can find

- A key (skeleton key preferred, but any key will do)

- A tarot deck or oracle deck of your choosing

- Paper and something to write with

Please note, this class has suggested sliding scale pricing $40-$80 though you are welcome to pay more if you are able. If you are unsure of how much to pay, please see this handy graphic as a guide.

Please also note: this class was recorded live over Zoom with workshop participants. 99% of the class is Pam speaking, giving a visual presentation, and leading a few magical exercises, but there is a tiny bit of participation from student volunteers, including a brief Q&A at the end.

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This is a video recording of Pam's Samhain Spirits workshop

2 hours 25 mins
423 MB
145 minutes
1304 x 720 px
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